
Everyone says "trust your instincts"....my first instinct is always to believe the worst....so is that the universes way of saying that the worst is what I'm fated for?

You're practically inside my skin when we're together and you're like a phantom when we're not...."believe what you see, not what you hear"....so are you stranger or soulmate? Neither? Both?

In the dark, I curl myself into the tightest ball I can make....am I holding something in or trying to keep the world out....I don't know, but I do know that feeling of being held by someone other than myself made me gasp and crave and yearn...

Three days ago you asked me to consider "doing life with you" - is this what that would be like? Scalding then freezing? That's how you forge steel....and break glass

Am I steel or glass?

Can steel have a beating heart?

Can glass withhold the extremes?

Are you the man to ask me to be either?


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