
I don't "officially" pray....and I don't meditate as often or as seriously as I should or I'd like to...but today, I pray and I ask for mindfulness and strength for and with my relationship with Christopher....

Yesterday I opened up about my vulnerabilities and my fears and my need for consistent communication - and his responses couldn't have been much better - a beautiful blend of understanding, sensitivity, and humor.

I WANT this to work - so much - and I know the likelihood of a blazing beginning settling into a roaring and ongoing fire isn't great - but I think we're exceedingly well suited to each - at least from what I can surmise from what has been presented so far...I think he's strong enough and smart enough and cares enough to handle my weaknesses, and I can and want to be the woman behind and beside the man...

But as a companion to this I ask for the strength and the wisdom to understand that not everyone and everything is meant for forever - and if he and this is not - I humbly ask for the insight and judgement to relish and enjoy what is, and to take what lessons I can, and the strength to let go when its time...


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